Case Studies

Case Studies

Swiss resident sole trader

If a Swiss resident decides to become self-employed and set themselves up as a sole trader there are a number of processes to go...

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A London entrepreneur

A London entrepreneur specialising in design and presentations contacted us as she was having problems with the payment of her invoices from a contract...

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A US oil exploration company

A US oil exploration company decided to create a Swiss charitable foundation to distribute grants to educational and health care organisations funded by revenues...

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A leading Irish engineering company

A leading Irish engineering company won a contract in Switzerland which required it to register for VAT. The company approached Dryden to handle its...

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Executive search company

As soon as Dryden had assisted an executive search company to incorporate in Geneva, the company asked Dryden to assist in its registration with...

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PAYROLL SERVICES A leading UK law firm

A leading UK law firm

A leading UK law firm, when it opened its Geneva Office, needed an accounting firm which could deal with various payroll issues that arose...

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Dryden Associates SA is based in Geneva and London

A leading UK firm

A leading UK firm of Independent Financial Advisors required at very short notice an audit of its Swiss Sàrl’s financial statements. Dryden carried out...

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FINANCIAL REPORTING A well-known trading company’s

A well-known trading company

A well-known trading company’s accounting system and reporting was set up for International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), but they also needed an accounting firm...

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A leading Swiss association

A leading Swiss registered association whose members include some of the world’s leading food and agribusiness multinationals was dissatisfied with the accounting service provided...

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Dryden Associates SA is based in Geneva and London

A UK Swiss branch

A leading UK professional service provider considered that the management of its Swiss branch would take greater ownership and responsibility for their financial results...

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An international expatriate manager

A typical client who comes to see us for assistance with filing their tax declarations is an international expatriate manager who has worked in...

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